You’ve been living in
Stable Misery® for too long

You’ve been living in
Stable Misery®
for too long

It’s time to break free, so you and your partner can live a life full of joy, harmony, and everything in between.

Sound familiar?

You feel successful in so many areas of your life - career growth, personal growth, spiritual growth - but when it comes to your marriage, you feel anything but.

You married your soulmate, but you live more like roommates.

You’re disappointed when the tips and tricks from books or podcasts never really address your specific circumstances.

You just want more fun, connection, and some romance in your relationship.

You can create more joy in your marriage.

Stable Misery® doesn’t have to be your status quo

Imagine you…

Feel closer to your partner and have the tools to deal when you don’t

Become who you know you can be, even when those crazy-making moments arise

Reignite your connection and reconnect to what brought you and your partner together.

This isn't just a dream. It can be your reality. I can help.

About Dr. Lynyetta

Hi, I’m Lynyetta! As a psychologist and family coach, I help high-achieving couples break free from Stable Misery so they can feel as much connection & confidence in their marriage as they do in other areas of their life.

Together, we calm the inner chaos, form a clear actionable vision for their relationship, & make a practical plan to get there, so you can stay connected, grow closer, & enjoy the idea of spending the next 70 years together.

Imagine having a Psychologist and Family Coach to listen to you, your story, and your concerns while providing support, strategies and practices that are unique to you and your relationship.

Together We Can Create More

Harmony in Your Home

Customized Approach

Your relationship is like no other, and your approach to strengthening it, needs to be unique too. Together, we will co-create an experience that meets your specific needs, desires, and challenges. This ensures that your experience is focused and effective #NoCookieCutters.

Empowering Resources

Any tools you use must take you beyond temporary fixes. With 20+ years of experience, I know what works. I’ll help you strategically integrate tools from my proven toolkit, so you can re-gain & maintain a harmonious and loving relationship #NoTimeSuckingBusywork.

Expert Support

Marriage happens outside of sessions. Having access to support and guidance when you need it is key. During our work together you can send me messages with your wins and challenges. I’ll respond with my thoughts and practical guidance. You are not alone in this process #IGotYou.

The marriage you desire, isn’t as far away as you may think –

A clear vision, a personalized plan that shifts your unhelpful patterns, and tiny, consistent steps that work - can get you there. I’ve done it in my marriage and so have countless of my clients.

“If you told me that in less than 3-months, my wife and I would have transformed as much as we have and been as connected as we are, I would have laughed in your face.
Dr. Willis is a marriage magician.”

– Nick N.

“My husband & I were on the verge of separation. We thought we tried everything. Now we’re connecting like never before. I’ve fallen in love all over again. I’ve worked with a lot of professionals and Dr. Willis is like no other. Her guidance, support, & powerful ability to help us see & create the relationship we want, literally saved our marriage.”

– Jenn M.

What’s Included

Personal Harmony Map

You must start with a clear plan! Using my proprietary planning process, we’ll get crystal clear on what’s not working & what you need instead (hint: It’s seldom what you think). You’ll walk away with your personalized plan for our time together & clear next steps that will get your started.

Harmonized Habits Sessions

Transformed habits, transform relationships! We'll explore the experiences, patterns, & beliefs that keep you both stuck. Through experiments designed to shift unhelpful habits, you'll create a relationship driven by connection, self-awareness, & understanding.

Ongoing Private Portal

…aka your personal relationship manual! Access your resources and reflections from our time together. Never forget what works (& what doesn’t) for your relationship. Return here for ‘relationship refreshes’ long after we’re done. We’ll also connect in here during your program.

Next Steps to Start Your Transformation

1. Schedule a Call

Schedule a time for us to talk. Please pick a time that your partner can join the call. This saves time and allows you to make the decision together.  

2. Create Your Personalized Plan

We’ll customize your program together so your experience is focused, effective, and based on your vision for your relationship.

3. Transform Your Partnership

Break free from Stable Misery and create the lasting connection you so deeply desire with the person you love.

Client Love


Most frequent questions and answers

This  is the perfect time to engage this process. The earlier you recognize you’re in stable misery and begin the break-free process, the better. Just like you don’t rearrange the furniture once the house starts burning down, it doesn’t help your relationship to wait until things get “bad” before you seek guidance and support. Let’s use your energy to make your “not bad” relationship, a great relationship?

I’ve received intense training in couples therapy and one major difference between coaching and therapy is a focus on the past.  Therapy can take years and requires that you unpack your past so you can heal it. This has a place, but it’s not required for everyone.  With coaching we don’t need to talk about what happened, we focus on your current unhelpful beliefs that are keeping your marriage in stable misery and shift those. 

Yes! The core of this process is about helping two people shift unhelpful habits that are harming their relationships. You shifting how you show up in the relationship will shift the relationship so you can create joy and break free from stable misery. You may want to look at my Joy-Full Program for 1-on-1 work.

You can always send me emails with questions. I’ll note them and we can discuss the in the next session. However, you can also upgrade to Voxer support and send me voice messages with questions, concerns, and celebrations and I’ll respond within 24-hours, between sessions. [Voxer support is a bonus with the Stable Misery Masterclass — Voxer is automatically included in your package at no extra change if you schedule your call by Sunday, February 2 @ 11:59 pm PST. 

The best way to find out if this program is right for you is to hop on a call with me. I’m more than happy to answer your questions and help you explore the most helpful next step for your relationship. I only work with clients I truly believe I can help. If this package is not right for you, I’ll tell you AND I’ll give you my professional opinion on helpful next steps.

© 2017 - 2024 Dr Lynyetta Willis. All rights reserved.