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I believe…
I believe happier, stronger families have the potential to change our world.
I believe the way to a happier family starts with us as individuals.
I believe when we remember our Divine essence, we help our children never forget theirs.
I believe that reconnecting with who we are at our core, our Soul, is a key starting point.
I believe in this lifetime, we have the kids we do for a reason. #littlegurus
I believe we all have positive intentions, and deep down we’re good people.
I believe healing our past changes our future.
I believe all behavior has purpose (even if you don’t like that purpose).
I believe that if we change our beliefs we can change our behaviors and make better choices.
I believe that you are a few, consistent better choices from living a more fulfilled life.
I also believe it is no coincidence that you’re here right now, reading this.
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