[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” z_index=””][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]You feel successful in so many areas of your life, but when it comes to your family, there are times when doubt, self-judgment, guilt, regret, and overwhelm take over. You feel scared that you’ll screw up your kids or that your partnership will forever live on autopilot.


Your family is the most important thing in your life AND you have a career or dreams that light you up but you struggle to find that sacred balance. You’re desperate for guidance and support from someone who “gets you.”


You married your best friend, but now you’re living more like roommates than soul mates. Most of your conversations revolve around kids or careers. You want more fun and romance in your relationship. You snap, shout, or shut down when triggered by your kids. The tips and tricks you read about in blogs and books fly out the window while the guilt and regret take over.


You’re disappointed when the tips and tricks from books, blogs, and friends never really address your child, your partnership, or your circumstances. You’re desperate for someone to listen to you, understand your situation, and your family. You want that “I GOT this” feeling during stressful moments with those who matter most.


Imagine having a Psychologist and Family Life Coach to listen to you, your story, and your concerns while providing support, strategies and practices that are unique to you and your family’s situation.


Instead of doubting and regretting your choices, you learn and practice the skills needed to see your blind spots, avoid pitfalls, and take creative steps towards feeling more harmony in your home, relationships, and yourself.   


You’re ready to gain deeper insights into who you are, what lights you up, what shuts you down, and the actions you can take to be that soul-aligned woman you know you can be for yourself and your family.


You want to feel connected to your partner. You want to have conversations that feel effortless and involve more than just your kids and career. You want to enjoy being around your kids and know that they enjoy you too.   


You crave strategies that you’ll remember when you need them most. You’re desperate for support from someone that will help you and not judge you for your less-than-ideal thoughts and actions. You want to live your dreams AND be present with those you care about most.


How would it feel to:


You can do all this and more … and I can help!


I’m Dr. Lynyetta Willis, a psychologist and Family Life Coach. I help women strengthen their parenting, partnership, and personal growth practices so they can deal with crazy-making moments and feel harmony in their home and relationships.


After completing Harmony in the Home, you will…


The package includes:


Harmonious Home Pre-work

This questionnaire will help us understand the areas where you and your family struggle most. You will also begin creating your family vision. The questionnaire contains questions about your family-of-origin; this information is helpful as you seek to transform your mindset and reactions. Many clients have gained valuable insights simply from completing this powerful questionnaire!   

Harmonious Home Vision Creation Session

We’ll get together for 90-minutes to get laser-focused on your challenges and goals for our time together. You’ll create a specific, clear, actionable vision that you and your family can get behind and manifest together. At the end of this call, you’ll feel empowered with a plan!

Harmonious Home Coaching Sessions

Over 3-months you will receive 10 hours of family coaching support (60 minutes for individual sessions and 70-90 minutes for couples/family sessions). These online meetings will be structured in a way that works best for you and your family situation. Show up alone, with your partner, or with your children. These sessions are all about you and those you care about most.

This is your opportunity to gain support around any issue that impacts how you show up for yourself and your family. We’ll discuss things like transforming your mindset and emotions; concrete, actionable strategies; and courageous (and dare I say, fun) actions you and your family can take to see the results you crave.

Harmonious Home Hypnosis session (optional)

Hypnosis is a powerful practice that literally rewires your brain to help you feel more calm, present, and focused on your goals. You have the option of using one of your hours for a 60-minute hypnosis session to help boost your personal transformation, deal with triggers, and shift your reactions into intentional actions towards those you care about most.

Harmonious Home Practices

Each session you’ll receive customized practical strategies, practices, or assignments to help strengthen your relationships with your children, partner, support system, and (of course) yourself! These strategies will be unique to you, your goals, your family and circumstances.  

Weekly Feedback Videos (optional) 

Feeling stuck in between sessions? No problem! You can send me one email per week about the family issue you’re facing and I’ll record a 3-5 minute video with feedback or strategies to support you in between sessions (feedback videos sent within 48 hours of your request). You can save the videos and watch them again and again. It’s like creating a personal family video coaching library!

Elemental Living™ for Parents

Receive this 1-hour interview recorded for the Happily Family Conference (no longer available for purchase). This rich resource is packed with research-driven, intuitive strategies to help you and your family communicate more effectively. This system has been raved about by countless clients, family and parenting experts. Attendees had this to say about the interview content: “brilliant,” “my favorite…so far,” “I can’t wait to use these strategies with my kids.”


Yes! You can be the person, parent, and partner you know you can be. Are you ready to feel more supported and in control? Then let’s get started!

Interested in working with me? Excellent!  Here’s how:

Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult to make sure we’re the perfect fit before you commit. You can schedule a consultation right here!

Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of coaching with me.

Step 3. Then we’ll chat! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.


Have questions? Email me hello[at]DrLWillis.com[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”42px”][vc_empty_space][button target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” text_align=”left” text=”Interested? Let’s talk!” link=”https://drlwillis.as.me/schedule.php” color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#aa0078″ border_color=”#aa0078″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”yes” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css=”.vc_custom_1558398324741{background-color: #b3b3d7 !important;}” z_index=””][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”41px”][vc_column_text]

I Became a Better Version of Myself

After working with Dr. Willis, I became a better version of myself. I opened my heart and loved my husband and step-son from an empowered place. I felt at ease and peace within myself and with them. This allowed us to create harmony within our home and to really enjoy one another. I let my step-son see the real me. This was all received very well—which I did not expect at all. 🙂 Dr. Willis is non-judgmental, fun, and authentic. Her approach to relationships, parenting, and family is very heart-centered and professional.

Lauren Kay Wyatt, Director and Intuitive Coach of Love Renegades

The Real Deal

Hiring Lynyetta as a coach for my family was one of the best business and personal growth decisions I have ever made. While I consider myself very blessed to work-from-home with my husband, we have faced unique challenges in our marriage, raising our daughter, and in our own self-development (and self-care) as a result of being together…All. The. Time. I knew that our little family squabbles were becoming more frequent and more intense – particularly with our child. I was instantly drawn to Lynyetta – her story, her education, and her experiences at the intersections of psychology, therapy, family systems, spirituality, and meditation, as well as her warmth and glorious sense of humor. As a fellow coach, it was important to me to work with someone who was the real deal, who would help me and my husband unlock our family’s best answers (versus “tell us what to do”) – and who I looked forward to spending time with (otherwise I knew I would make excuses and be too “busy” to show up). Lynyetta totally over delivered on our expectations. She helped us identify how our childhood family histories were showing up (in good and not so good ways) in our current family dynamics, how to be more mindful of our triggers and move through them with grace and ease, and how to identify what was really going on with our daughter’s fears and tantrums and be able to use them as opportunities for our family to come together rather than act out against each other. Through our work together, I also found more time for myself, recommitted to my emotional and physical health, and decreased personal and family stress. I highly recommend working with Lynyetta if you want to strengthen your relationship with a partner, a parent, a child, and above all, deepen your relationship with yourself.

Alexia Vernon, Author & Speaking Coach

She is a treasure!

Dr. Willis has natural skills that…guide her clients to a place of personal understanding and acceptance. Her infectious laugh puts people at ease and her keen skills foster personal insight.

Amie A.

A professional

Lynyetta is professional and projects a caring, empathetic and listening attitude…she is an asset …and personifies the image of who I’d recommend to my family and friends.

Thomas S.
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