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A parent coaching program designed to help you break unhelpful cycles, raise your kids differently than you were raised, and create the connection you crave.

Your Coach:
Dr. Lynyetta Willis, Psychologist

You know how they say, “kids don’t come with a parenting manual?”

Imagine if you did have access to such a guide?

The Solution?

Triggered to Transformed®
Parent Coaching Program

In the Triggered to Transformed® Parent Coaching Program,
you will create that personalized manual, so you can…

feel more calm
as a parent

confident in your
parenting choices

deeply connected
to your child

"Neither you, nor your child are broken, but you likely have some habits that need to be. This is where the Triggered to Transformed® Parent Coaching Program comes in."
- Dr. Lynyetta Willis

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a single mom, I was struggling to control my anger with my high energy child. After T2T, my relationship with my daughter is more relaxed. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">I have more patience. I</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> have the tools and strategies and mindset to be successful in parenting my daughter while providing for my own emotional needs.</span></p>

Paradie Mom of a 5-year-old

    Can I ask you a few questions?

    Are you:

    What if you could transform
    how you react to your
    child's challenging behaviors
    so you can:

    What if you could transform how you react to your child's challenging behaviors so you can:

    Stop passing down painful family patterns

    Increase connection

    Decrease guilt

    Enjoy parenting
    way more

    Hi! I'm Dr. Lynyetta Willis...

    As a psychologist, I coach families, couples, and parents who want to do their most sacred relationships differently.

    If you're anything like me, your caregivers were taught by their caregivers to use old-fashioned parenting "tools" such as pain, blame, shame, and avoidance - or what I call, the 4 Horseman - to keep you in line.

    You swore the Horseman would never "gallop" into your child's life, but when you're stressed or angry, lose your cool or go on parenting autopilot, there ya go - repeating the patterns you swore your kids would never see.

    When your confidence drains, you feel hopeless, guilty or full of shame. You just want clear guidance on what to do when you don’t know what to do. You want to know how to connect with your child (& yourself) when the chaos is strong.

    You're not alone! Working with parents & families for the past 20 years has taught me that for many, your experience is not the exception but the rule.

    But it doesn't have to stay that way! You can stop 'parenting by the seat of your pants' and make your own damn rules. I've helped countless parents rewrite their parenting manual, so they can live and leave the legacies their soul desires. I'd be honored to help you rewrite yours.

    The Triggered to Transformed® Parent Coaching Program...

    Is for you if...

    You know your child’s childhood will go by in the blink of an eye and you want to cherish it.

    You want to look back on these years and recall memories of connection, joy, and ease.

    You want your child to look back on these years and recall memories of family connection, feeling supported, and joy.

    You want to raise your kids differently or better than you were raised.

    You dream of the close relationship you'll have with your kids and grandkids years from now.


    You're scared your reactions are screwing up your child or your relationship with them.

    You're worried that all you'll remember from these years is feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, triggered all the time, and full of regret.

    You're afraid that all your child will remember is yelling, disconnection, feeling "bad" or unsupported.

    You cringe when the overwhelm sets in and you find yourself falling back on old parenting patterns used with you growing up - ya know the ones you swore you'd never use.

    You're afraid that if these patterns continue, when your child is older, they'll send your call to voicemail or dread coming home for the holidays.

    What if there were a better way?

    Think about it - how would it feel to:

    I’ve got some great news for you! This transformation is not just a far off dream. It's yours if you want it.

    You Got Toddlers? Tweens? Teens?

    I Got YOU!

    For over 20 years, I've helped parents with children of all ages. So, no matter the age of your child, my SIMPLE FRAMEWORK can help you create the calm and connection you deeply desire within yourself and your relationship with your child.

    You’re the expert of you and your child.

    You don’t need more generic strategies that supposedly work for everyone all the time if you're just consistent enough
    [spoiler alert - they don’t].

    You need a personalized system and a guide (me!) to help you manifest your vision of the kinda relationship you want to create, the kinda parent you want to be, and the kinda legacy you want to leave for your kids.

    So are you ready?!

    <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">I was stuck in the muck of a lot of conflicts with my teens. Doing the same thing over and over again; always feeling like I was on a treadmill that was never properly working. T2T has been a game changer for me… it helped me become more present, more aware, and make better choices for myself and my family.</span></p>

    Connie Mom of 16-year-old twins

      Program Details

      For an entire year, in Triggered to Transformed®, you'll have access to...

      For an entire year in
      Triggered to Transformed®,
      you'll have access to...

      ...the TIME you need to learn, experiment, troubleshoot, and integrate your personalized parenting manual into your day-to-day life so your insights actually become new habits.

      NO MORE rushing to cram it all in during a DIY, 6, or 12 week course with limited support.

      How does Triggered to Transformed® actually empower you to be the parent you want to be, so you’re not passing your past baggage down to your kids?

      During Our Year Together You'll Get:

      The Empowered Path Training

      Transform your triggers one step at a time!

      Using the proven P.A.T.H.S Framework, the Empowered Path Trainings will help you create your personalized parenting manual.

      Each video ends with no-brainer (and dare I say, FUN) experiments for you to try solo or with your child so what you learn actually helps you hone your personalized parenting manual even more! ($2697 Value)

      The Empowered Path Training

      Transform your triggers one step at a time!

      Using the proven P.A.T.H.S Framework, the Empowered Path Trainings will help you create your personalized parenting manual.

      Each video ends with no-brainer (and dare I say, FUN) experiments for you to try solo or with your child so what you learn actually helps you hone your personalized parenting manual even more! ($1200 Value)

      Jump Start Call

      Let's get you further faster!

      You'll complete a short survey that will help me get to know you better. Then we’ll hop on a group call we're I'll personalize your T2T experience and:

      You're not a nameless face in T2T. Through this call, I’ll get to know you, your family, and your deepest desires related to your parenting journey.

      Jump Start Live Call

      Let's get you further faster!

      You'll complete a short survey that will help me get to know you better. Then we’ll hop on a group call we're I'll personalize your T2T experience and:

      You're not a nameless face in T2T. Through this call, I’ll get to know you, your family, and your deepest desires related to your parenting journey.

      Triggered to Transformed® LIVE Calls

      Every successful journey has a guide!

      You'll likely hit some bumps along the way. No need to worry! Twice a month, we'll hop on a 60-minute group call together to troubleshoot and celebrate your wins.

      These calls are here to provide you with all the support and guidance you’ll need to use the tools you'll learn and revise the experiments you'll create for yourself and your child.

      This is not a passive on-line course, it’s an experience designed to help you create the vision you deeply desire with your child ($2997 Value)

      Triggered to Transformed®
      LIVE Calls

      Every successful journey has a guide!

      You'll likely hit some bumps along the way. No need to worry! Twice a month, we'll hop on a 60-minute group call together to troubleshoot and celebrate your wins.

      These calls are here to provide you with all the support and guidance you’ll need to use the tools you'll learn and revise the experiments you'll create for yourself and your child.

      This is not a passive on-line course, it’s an experience designed to help you create the vision you deeply desire with your child ($3600 Value)

      The Triggered to Transformed® Playbooks

      Co-Create your Personalized Parenting Manual!

      You know that personalized “parenting manual” that “they” said doesn’t exist? Yours will at the end of Triggered to Transformed® journey.

      Each lesson in the Empowered Path Training, comes with an easy-to-follow, playbook that will help create a clear process and outline the steps you need to take to truly transform and strengthen your relationship with your child.

      Each playbook is another chapter in your parenting manual! By the end of our time together you’ll have created, experimented with, and revised a personalized parenting manual (with powerful tools you'll actually use) that you and your family can update and return to again and again! ($497 Value).

      The Triggered to Transformed® Playbooks

      Co-Create your Personalized Parenting Manual!

      You know that personalized “parenting manual” that “they” said doesn’t exist? Yours will at the end of Triggered to Transformed® journey.

      Each lesson in the Empowered Path Training, comes with an easy-to-follow, playbook that will help create a clear process and outline the steps you need to take to truly transform and strengthen your relationship with your child.

      Each playbook is another chapter in your parenting manual! By the end of our time together you’ll have created, experimented with, and revised a personalized parenting manual (with powerful tools you'll actually use) that you and your family can update and return to again and again! ($600 Value).

      Triggered to Transformed® Community

      We always go father together.

      This is where the action happens! Join me and other parents who “get it”, in this exclusive on-line (NOT Facebook) community. Through this built-in support system, you'll gain so much support and guidance.

      To help support your growth and transformation, I also post practical ideas you can implement, and insightful videos that are not available anywhere else. ($797 Value)

      Triggered to Transformed® Community

      We always go father together.

      This is where the action happens! Join me and other parents who “get it”, in this exclusive on-line (NOT Facebook) community. Through this built-in support system, you'll gain so much support and guidance.

      To help support your growth and transformation, I also post practical ideas you can implement, and insightful videos that are not available anywhere else. ($397 Value)

      "I didn't yell!"

      Before T2T there was a lot of fighting, especially with my 8-year-old. We’d have arguments that eventually turned into me just yelling and screaming at her.

      Through T2T I became more self-aware and noticed when I was getting triggered… I realized when I needed to just leave the situation for a little bit or take a little time out before I started yelling.

      After T2T, one day, my daughter was holding a cup of tea. I forgot how it happened, but she moved the cup in a way that splashed a little on my face. I could see my daughter tense up... then she said, "you didn't yell?!" That's right! I didn't yell.

      Dr. Willis is amazing! She's so excited to be with us, and her stories are relatable and helpful...she's really engaged, she really cares, and she's real.

      Maria, mom of 6 & 8 year old

      "I manage my triggers now!"

      I was really struggling and when I’d lose my cool, I’d get into a spiral of feeling getting guilty and bad about my parenting because I wasn't doing it right. I just felt down about it and discouraged,like we were doomed as a family.

      I tried peaceful parenting, the more traditional parenting methods, workshops and books. All of those could be effective if I was in the right space to implement them. But often I wasn't because the behavior was triggering me.

      After T2T, I feel more confident that I'm on the right track and I feel less guilty and ashamed that I'm doing the wrong thing. I’m happier and more positive about my parenting and my relationship with my sons. We're going to have some bad patches, I'm going to get triggered sometimes, but I can manage my triggers now.

      Lucy, mom of 10 & 7 year old

      "Less family stress"

      I was dealing with a lot of time management issues and fit throwing. My oldest had emotional intelligence challenges. My middle one would just shut down when things weren't going his way. And my youngest, was throwing things, screaming, breaking things or trying to hurt people.

      During T2T I learned to be more in control of myself. I was yelling less and better able to communicate with my children. I learned to recognize my needs and their needs and together we created ways to fulfill those needs and reduce our family stress.

      After T2T, the communication has gotten a lot better, more effective, and we're a lot more on respectful towards each other. There’s a lot less yelling on my part and they’re responding in better ways.

      Khaya, mom of 10, 7, & 4 year olds

      A peek into your transformation journey:

      Foundations Module

      Clarify what’s not working in your parenting journey and illuminate what you want to create.

      Module 1

      Reveal Your Reactions: Address the hidden roadblocks and patterns in your parenting.

      Module 2

      Rewire Your Brain: Create your personalized stress management system & regulate yourself.

      Module 3

      Recreate Your Relationship: Establish a deeper connection and shift crazy-making moments.

      Module 4

      Reflect on Your Past: Honor your pain, and learn to parent from a place of wholeness.

      Module 5

      Rewrite Your Legacy: Maintain your momentum and strengthen the legacy you want to leave.


      Triggered to Transformed ™
      Trigger Choice Blueprint

      This is a No Overwhelm Zone! You'll learn to master the Empowered Path Process by transforming ONE major trigger. Then you'll spend the rest of our time together experimenting and effortlessly applying your wisdom to any and all triggers or stressors you experience. ($97 value)

      Monthly Q.U.E.S.T’s -

      (Quick. Useful. Experiments. Strengthen. Transformation)

      Each week, you’ll receive an email with small, practical action steps you can take to implement what you’re learning in the program. QUEST's are all about small steps and micro-wins that lead to big transformations in your relationship with you child. ($1979 value)

      Tap It Out! Training:
      EFT Tapping for Families

      Tapping on specific pressure points will hep you remove emotional blocks and foster well being this training also guides you on exactly what to say to introduce tapping to your children ($797 value)

      Couples Connection Bundle

      A strong partnership is key to experiencing more joy in your parenting. In this bundle, you get the exact tools I use with my 1-on-1 couples clients (and in my marriage). Parenting solo? Use these tools to strengthen a supportive relationship in your life ($297 value).

      'Retrain My Brain' Meditation Library

      These meditations will help you rewire your brain so you're less reactive. Depending on how you were raised or learned to deal with stress, your nervous system is likely wired for worry, anger, or disconnection when you're stressed or triggered. Many of the meditations are 5-minutes or less. Listen to them on the go or even with your child.
      ($997 value)

      <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dr. Willis's, Elemental Living Model is applicable across the board and a fantastic new perspective on how to deal with challenging situations. A lot of parenting books will talk about preventative measures, and that's all fine and well, when you take the time to do it.  </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">But when you're in the moment, the Elemental Living Model is the best thing to find the next best steps in a stressful parenting situation.</span></p>

      Khaya mom of 10, 7, & 4 year olds

        Here's what you get when you enroll:

        Total Value: $11,058

        But you won’t pay that much AND you have options!

        Start today & get 6 months of T2T for only...

        12 week program with 6 months of support
        $ 997 payment plan available (6 payments of $187)
        • 6 months of support, resources, & community
        • Next Best Steps Call: Immediate 1-1 support to help you create a plan to bust through your current challenges
        • T2T is an ongoing coaching program with a 6-month minimum commitment. When your 6 months are up, you can cancel or remain in the program for another 6 months (or for $187/month until you feel complete)!

        Start today & get 12 months of T2T for only...

        12 week program with 12 months of support!
        $ 1997 payment plan available (12 payments of $177)
        • 12 months of support, resources, & community
        • Next Best Steps Call: Immediate 1-1 support to help you create a plan to bust through your current challenges
        • T2T is an ongoing coaching program. With this option, we're with you for an entire year to help you truly integrate what you're learning into your life and family!
        NEXT STEPS!
        T2T isn't for everyone. Let's make sure it's your next best step.
        Click the link below, complete the application
        (allow 10-15 minutes to complete).
        I'll personally reach out to let you know my thoughts on whether or not I feel T2T will get you where you want to go.

        My "Wins in 2 Weeks" Guarantee

        You have nothing to lose with your investment.

        In addition to having a payment plan option, I'm offering you a 100% 14-day money back guarentee.

        Give Triggered to Transformed a try! If within the first 2 weeks or 14 days, you don't notice positive changes within yourself or your family, send me any work you've completed (to show you gave it a shot) and I will refund you 100% of your investment.

        Seriously, how long have these painful parenting patterns been going on?

        Stop the triggered – guilt – shame cycle. You and your child deserve to enjoy these years together. 

        Maybe you’re thinking your child is a “special snowflake” and this won’t work. Or maybe you’re thinking, you’re too far gone and things will never change.

        Here’s the thing – you, your child, nor your relationship are broken, but you have some habits that need to be. 

        This is where Triggered to Transformed comes in. 

        IMAGINE! What would it feel like if your relationship with your child went from...




        OR FROM





        I get it, you nor your kiddos have time for another parenting course, especially one that pushes more memorizing and over-learning (that are often motivated by overwhelm and self-doubt).

        And honestly, if that’s what you’re wanting — more scripts and quick-fix strategies to memorize — this program isn’t for you.

        Because Triggered to Transformed: Your Revolutionary Parenting Journey it isn’t a
        course. Yes, there are modules you can watch, workbooks you can  complete. But it’s more than that.

        It’s a whole new way of engaging yourself and your parenting challenges (Hint: Transformation takes place from the inside out).

        Unlike most parenting programs that begin by teaching you general skills, tools, and generic scripts you need to memorize, Triggered to Transformed starts with YOU!

        Community – you’ll have access to parents just like you who get it and are determined to break unhelpful parenting cycles. 

        Coaching – T2T isn’t a DIY course or membership where your questions may get lost or misunderstood in a huge FB group. You’ll have access to me, LIVE twice a month to ask questions, troubleshoot things you’ve tried, and get the specific guidance you need. 

        Can’t attend live? That’s okay! Drop your questions in the community and I’ll answer them on the call so you can watch the recording later. 

        Consistency! T2T is not a 6-week course where you’ve got to cram in all the things before your community or coaching support turns into a pumpkin and disappears. Habit change takes time, a clear path forward, and FUN. 

        This is why, you have access to everything within T2T until you feel complete! 

        This gives you the time you need to write and refine that personal parenting manual you’re going to create. 

        You’ll have the time to implement my proven PATHS framework and truly transform your relationship with your kid and with yourself.  

        And lastly, with time, you don’t have to frantically inhale information in 6-weeks or freak out if life does what it does and you get off schedule. You can actually have FUN experimenting and learning what works for you and your family.

        Instead of learning disjointed tools you’ll seldom use or soon forget, in Triggered to Transformed…

        You’ll experience a process that you can apply again and again once the program ends.

        You’ll create your own personalized family map to update or refer to when circumstances change or you lose your way.

        You’ll learn to consistently apply my PATHS Process, an intuitive, brain-based system that will help you create helpful responses (you’ll remember) to difficult behaviors.

        Triggered to Transformed is a journey. You’ll create a guide that will keep you on track to feeling less controlled by your triggers, more connected with your kids, and more confident as a parent.

        Once you experience, create, and begin applying your guide, you’ll feel more confident on
        what to do next.

        You’ll gain more calm, support, personalized strategies, and understanding of your child and yourself. And you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your parenting journey even more.

        I can’t tell you if it’s the right investment for you at this time; that wouldnt be authentic. I can tell you that the most transformed members are those who commit to taking the opportunity because it’s the right decision for them and for their family. They invested intentionally, and | want you to do the same…

        Ask yourself:

        • Does learning new ways to deal with my triggers make sense for me and my family right now?
        • Do I have the time and energy to commit to transforming my relationship with my kiddo?
        • Is the description for Triggered to Transformed offering me what I feel I need to be the parent I deeply want to be?

        If all three answers are YES, you’re making an intentional investment by joining Triggered to Transformed — that’s the total opposite of throwing money away out of fear or self- doubt

        As someone who built my business with a kid on my lap, I get it. I can’t tell you exactly how long it will take for you to go through and implement the insights, experiments, and strategies YOU create.

        Why not? Because your life is different, your kids are different, your triggers are different, and change can take place in an instant… or longer.

        What | can tell you is that clients who engage, complete the playbooks, QUEST’s and take time to reflect on themselves and their relationship with their kiddos have experienced transformation. The program itself has Live calls ever other week, videos you can watch, and experiments you can implement daily or weekly. I tell members to plan for at least 60 minutes to 90 minutes a week, on average. 

        But here’s the thing, Triggered to Transformed is the start of a new journey and there’s no race to the finish line because you’ll be parenting for the rest of your life. AND we have an entire year together to shift your habits! Triggered to Transformed is one way to make your journey more enjoyable and more peaceful along the way. 

        Of course! What kind of Family Empowerment Coach would I be if I asked you to cut out part of your family. not a very good one_lol. One investment covers you and your partner. As a matter of fact, I strongly suggest that you invite your partner into the program and
        work through it together.

        The tools you’ll learn while working through this process have not only strengthened my clients relationship with her kids, but also deepened their relationship with their partners (especially when they participate together). Imagine if you both learned the same tools at the same time.

        With that said, if only you show up, you can still experience a powerful transformation that can create ripple effects throughout your home and relationships.

        Short answer: Yes. It’s possible to read more books, sign up for more summits, or download more free parenting cheat-sheets, but | have a hunch if that was all you needed, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

        What may be missing is support, accountability, and clear guidance. Books and all that stuff are one-way streets. They give you information but they can’t answer your specific questions, help you gain clarity on why you do what you do (and help you discern what you want to do instead), provide guidance based on your circumstances, or support you when you veer off your path.

        So, if you want to do things, what I find to be the hard way or the old way – the Piecemeal Approach, it’s your right.
        If you want to follow a step-by-step roadmap created by someone who has been helping families for over 20 years (and learned a TON from her own family), click that enroll  button! 😀

        Yes! Mom’s and dad’s of teens have raved about T2T. If you’re a parent of a teen and find yourself triggered by their behaviors, T2T can help you find calm amidst the chaos of the Teen years. This program has served parents with children between the ages of 2 and 17.


        We do have a payment plan! You can join today for $497 (or 3 monthly payments of $177).  You’ll receive 3 months of community, resources, and support. After your initial 3-months, you can remain in the program for $177/month until you feel complete and cancel.

        T2T WINS

        Listen to members chat about how T2T transformed their family!

        Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved